high-precision magnetic sensors, switches, and accessories

Product range

high-precision magnetic sensors, switches,
and accessories


For high-precision detection of the origin of precision moving platforms, etc.

  • □ Detection head (sensing section) and detector circuit are available in both separate and integrated.
  • □ Types come with a small 3 mm diameter can be installed in very narrow space.
  • □ A number of accessories are available, including various magnetic targets and fastening devices but not limited to.

List of high-precision switches

Compact high-precision positioning switches

Highly accurate repeatability

HS-120 / HS-121

  • Sensitivity:1.5mT
  • Detection poles:either N- or S- pole
HS-120 / HS-121

Compact high-precision positioning switches

Waterproof and dust resistant

HS-320 / HS-321

  • Sensitivity:1.5mT
  • Detection pole:N-pole
  • IP protective structure:IP67
HS-320 / HS-321

Positioning switches

±1 um repeatability

LS-106S / LS-127
LS-106U / LS-127U

  • Sensitivity:2.5mT
  • Detection pole:N-pole
LS-106S / LS-127/LS-106U / LS-127U

High-precision magnetic sensor

Accurate linear output
Differential analog voltage output type


  • Detection poles:either N- or S- pole

Comparison of high-precision magnetic sensors and switches